A Theatre at Sainte Thérèse
A Theatre at Sainte Thérèse
On March, 9 2020, the play ‘Big Trouble in Little Barna’ was performed at Sainte Thérèse. John, Jess and Beth embodied different roles throughout the play. They were all incredibly funny, welcoming and very professional.
Check out their instagram : pickles.company
9 :40 Before the play, the student-actors rehearsed with the actual actors, they worked on their facial expression.
10 : 00 The play started. It was so amusing ; the class couldn’t stop laughing because of their weird costumes, the dance moves and their incredible energy.
11 :00 The students asked few questions to the actors such as : ‘Do you Naruto ?’ ‘Have you got any acting rewards ?’ or ‘Do you like France ?’